Strategic partnership in the field of innovation project financed by the Erasmus+ program. It puts the great emphasis on enhancing youth employment and entrepreneurial skills by presenting youth at he age form 18 to 30 years old who are school graduates, university students or are in the group of unemployed youth the possibilities to set up their own companies in the field of eco-innovations, including also the idea of Fair Trade. We would like to make young people aware of the fact that eco-innovations are not only the distinctive form of innovations, that bring benefits to the environment by prevention or reduction of the negative influence of production activity on the environment but also will enable them to create opportunities for setting up enterprises which have lower costs connected with running a business that as a result will bring competitive advantage over other enterprises.The major objective of the project ”First Steps Into Business Success” will be to equip young people in entrepreneurial skills- the knowledge connected with setting up their own companies, eco-innovations in business and the idea of Fair Trade through the undertaking by them e-learning course and attending the training in the field of eco-innovations in the business lead by professional trainers during the blended mobility of young people.The specific objectives of the project are:-presenting youth the benefits of self-employment-activation of young people on the labor market-sharing good practices in the field of innovation in business. Partner countries are characterised by different level of innovation in the European economy: Estonia is a country that is quite close to the position of leaders of innovation, partner form Spain is in the section called moderate innovators. However, hesitant results in this field has Poland and Bulgaria (Horizon 2020). – to establish an innovative way of learning by using ICTs methodologies and virtual collaboration;-to use online tools throughout the project period to share results, offer online training, and develop the partners’ ICT competencies.
Project coordinator:
Warszawska Izba Gospodarcza, Poland
Project partners:
Asociación EuropeYou, Spain
Alternativi International, Bulgaria
Project partner: INVOLVED, Estonia
Project coordinator:
Angel Casal
Press release
KA 205 ‘’First Steps Into Business Success’’ 2nd Parntership meeting Sofia – Bulgaria

MTÜ Involved· Tallinn- Estonia February, 2021
From 20.02.21 to 21.02.21 took place the #Intermediate meeting of the KA 205 ‘’First Steps Into Business Success’’, which was hosted by Alternativi International in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Together, with project partners, we had the opportunity to meet and discuss the current state of the project, recall the dissemination plan and evaluation strategy. During the meeting, we also discussed the e-learning platform with the set of 4 e-learning modules (IO2) and videos IO3 realized so far by the project consortium. What is more, the crucial point of the meeting was to plan the upcoming #blendedmobility of #youngpeople in Poland.
To recall, this project is coordinated by Warszawska Izba Gospodarcza from Poland and other project partners are INVOLVED ngo from Estonia, Alternativi International from Bulgaria and Asociación EuropeYou from Spain.
The major objective of the project ”First Steps Into Business Success” will be to equip young people in entrepreneurial skills- the knowledge connected with setting up their own companies, eco-innovations in business, and the idea of Fair Trade throughout the undertaking by them e-learning course and attending the training in the field of eco-innovations in the business lead by professional trainers during the blended mobility of young people.
#ErasmusPlus #fsib #ka205 #YouthEntrepreneurship #ecoinnovations
If you have any ideas for collaboration, contact the project manager in Estonia
Stay tuned for more!
Angel Casal
MTÜ Involved
Press release
KA 205 ‘’First Steps Into Business Success’’ officially started Malaga, Spain

MTÜ Involved· Tallinn – Estonia August, 2020
From 15.08.20 to 16.08.20, EuropeYou had the pleasure to host in Málaga, Spain the kick-off meeting of the KA 205 ‘’First Steps Into Business Success’’ project, a Strategic Partnership in the field of innovation with duration of 2 years, and financed by Erasmus Plus programme.
The major aim of the project is to equip young people in entrepreneurial skills – the knowledge connected with setting up their own companies, eco-innovations in business and the idea of Fair Trade through the undertaking by them e-learning course and attending the training the field of eco-innovations in the business lead by professional trainers during the blended mobility of young people.
In the meeting we welcomed the representatives of the coordinating organization from Poland (Warszawska Izba Gospodarcza) as well as the partner organization from Bulgaria (Alternativi International). Due to the current situation connected with COVID 19 pandemic and imposed restrictions representatives of the organization from Estonia INVOLVED participated to the meeting via online tool- Teams.
During the two-days meeting, project partners discussed to the greatest extend the project objectives and project schedule as well as we discussed the obligations of each partner. We systematised the communication and dissemination plan within the project, establish deadlines till next project meeting, and the deadlines of the elaboration of the intellectual outputs (e-learning platform with e-learning course, consisting of 4-e-learning modules and cycle of 4 videos ‘’I will be an entrepreneur’’).
Stay tuned for more!
If you have any ideas for collaboration, contact the project manager in Estonia
Angel Casal
MTÜ Involved