Meie organisatsioon tegeleb erinevate töötubade ja kreatiivsete lahendite pakkumisega, et sa tööturul veelgi konkurentsivõimelisem oleksid!
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Cycle movement, “Solos con la Danza” (5rd Edition) Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Involved ngo is pleased to present and support once again Mr. Gustavo Soto with his new edition of “Solos con la Danza” in the Buenos Aires scene in April 2019.
The fifth edition of the cycle conducted by Gustavo Soto since 2012, seeks to show different ways of composing, precisely, solos, allowing the exhibition of his creations to self-managed artists from all over the country, graduates of various educational institutions. In 2019, there will be nine solos, of approximately ten minutes each, distributed at a rate of five works per night every Thursday of April, at 9:00 pm.
Where: the Teatro de La Fábula (Agüero 1176, Tel: 4862- 6439). Buenos Aires, Argentina
Participate in this edition: Antonella Berisso (De Tin Marin, De Do Pingüé), Elisa Delgado (Preface of an Action), Melina Foster (Peatón Say No), Rita García (Damamar), Carina Leonor García (Scene 7 – On the River ), Armando Ressi (It seems inconceivable to me that the trip lasts 32 hours, the Utopian body), Sonia Silva (Cleaned), Gustavo Soto (Wild boar) and Viviana E. Vásquez (All and its layers).
More info:
Wild boar by Gustavo Soto
Choreography, lighting design and performer: Gustavo Soto
Music by: Matias Romero
Sounds effects-edition: Alejandro Elizondo
Costumes: family
More info: HERE
III Tango meeting in Tallinn 6-8.10.2016 Tallinn, Estonia
The III Tango Meeting in Tallinn is close to share an embrace with your friends!
Tango meeting in Tallinn is a non-profit event.
Tango is all about the embrace which unites persons. Our aim is to bring together tango lovers from north and south, east and west. To promote Tallinn as a tango city and empower the true connection between people indifferent about origin or language spoken.
- Workshops will be held by Gastón Godoy (Arg) & Laura Atienza (Esp)
Professional Argentine Tango dancers and teachers also known as Gneración Tango.
- Orquesta Típica Esencial TANGO SONOS
Two Italian brothers. A bandoneón and a piano.
Classical arrangements, original songs, musical fusions…
This is TANGO SONOS, an entire Orchestra with just two musicians.
More detailed information is published on
Venue: Theater LA MUECA -Cabrera 4255- Palermo
Entrance: $ 150 (2×1)
Tickets and reservation: HERE
Program shared of two independent duets of choreographic contemporary dance
“They” (today, they, some) by: Mauro Martin Dann and Gustavo Soto.
D A dos in bodies of fire, earth, sea and wind by: Chiummiento Marcela and Rodrigo Exequiel Etelechea.
Organizes and produces: Lic. Gustavo Soto.
They (today, they, some)
They (today, they, some)
They, male character, everything is possible and worth, there are no limits to the action, live it or suffer as liked by the observer
In this piece the concept is focused on the idea of free sexuality between two men, where the body-object and manipulated, is free to be who wants to be. In this case an ambiguous body with high heels and a suit formally visibly meet, get to know each other in a particular way. It becomes a way to begin endless or infinite semiosis.
In “They” a choreographic duo develops between two men where from an encounter is born something “particular” … Freedom of sex and gender are those that lead to dialogue and observation. Are they free by nature ? Fear to what they would say and the pressure of the “social convention” appear in this work.
Concept and direction: Gustavo Soto | choreographic creation: Viviana E. Vasquez, Mauro Martin Dann, Gustavo Soto | Lighting designer: Viviana E. Vasquez, Gustavo Soto | Photography: Martin Raviolo | Graphic Design: Alejandro Elizondo | Music: ZAZ – “Comme ci, comme ça” Lou Reed – “Perfect Day” by John Albert Ayler Lurie- “Stranger than Paradise”
D A dos en cuerpos de fuego, tierra, mar y viento
It is a work in progress that alternates playful and choreographic grounds. Explores the connection of bodies on stage through short structures using diverse imaginary dynamics of movement inspired by the 4 elements of nature: water, fire, earth and air. We play with improvised material and choreographic sequences. This piece is in its first stage of construction.
Choreography and interpretation: Marcela Chiummiento, Rodrigo Exequiel Etelechea | Music: René Aubry, Yann Tiersen, Johann Johannsson | Photography: DronerTv
Cycle movement, “Solos con la Danza” (3rd Edition) Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Place: Theatre “Grimace” Cabrera 4255 -Palermo-(
General admission: $ 150 (order your 2×1) to 11-58083416
Advance tickets NOW ON SALE !!! to 00549 11-58083416
*** Only invited on Friday August 5th: “Cuerda” by Vale Pessacg ***
Cycle movement, “Solos con la Danza” (3rd Edition)
Every Friday of August at 23 hours, will be held a series of independent contemporary dance solos by choreographers and performers youth:
Marcela Chiummiento, Rodrigo Morero, Gustavo Long, Helena Wroblewski, Virginia Moreda, Agustina Paez, Ana Gonzalez Vanek, Rita Garcia, Marisa Troiano, Yoko Pao, and Gustavo Soto.
Some were students: A / National University of the Arts / Department of Arts Movement / in the Bachelor in Choreographic Composition, Dance mention. The majority Graduated and other finishing that submitted. This year two works of the Bachelor Body Language and one created from dance and Social Communication are incorporated.
Production and organization are in charge of Lic. Gustavo Soto, who has called for the third time some fellow students and preparing for a dance show. It consists of 10 single 10 minutes long, that will vary every Friday in August, leading to different possibilities in the investigation of the movement.
Find out more:
II Tango meeting in Tallinn 18-20.09.2015 Tallinn, Estonia
The II Tango Meeting in Tallinn is close to share an embrace with your friends!
The wonderful Laura Atienza and charming Gaston Godoy will come to Tallinn again.
This year’s Tango Meeting in Tallinn has invited live Tango Orquestas to enjoy!
La Yunta Trio from Montevideo, Uruguay and Quinteto Negro la Boca from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
We have the pleasure to have Gastón Godoy (ARG) and Laura Atienza (ESP) visiting Tallinn (Estonia) in September.They are professional Argentine Tango couple known as Gneración Tango. Gastón and Laura hold regular classes in Andalusia, Spain. They are also hosts of “El Corazón de la Milonga” a regular milonga held in Seville for 12 years already as well as the organizers of Workshop Milonga Sevilla Argentine Tango Festival held each February in Seville for 5 years already.
In Tallinn we will have Worskhops held by Gneración Tango and Milongas with performances and surprises!
More detailed information is published on
Stay tuned and save the dates 18-20 September 2015 for Tango!
Further information:
Euphoria Studio
Euphoria Studio & Theater
Euphoria Studio & Theater
Keep on track with news on festival’s website and Facebook page
“Recuerdos de Mamá” by Gustavo Soto
PREMIERE: May 03rd, 2015, Buenos Aires-Argentina.
Involved has the honor to present once again Mr. Gustavo Soto with his new production in the Buenos Aires scene from 3rd of May at 18:00 Hs.
About “Recuerdos de Mamá” / Memories of Mom
Motion Trio, where memories of children are present, accompanied by music copyright and meanings laden objects …
Gustavo Soto presents a new work inspired by the vivid memories with her mother.
In this paper the choice of performers-dancers was based on a situation common to all, the death of their mothers. Using the feelings that arise from those memories as a generator shaft to the composition of motion.
Nostalgia, complicity, joy and death, will be present in “Memories of Mom”.
Cast: Viviana E. Vasquez, Romina Alaniz, Fabricio Flores.
Photograph: Martin Raviolo.
Graphic Design: Alejandro Elizondo.
Music: Zíngara and most beautiful World piu Nicola Di Bari, Muñeca Rota by Valeria Linch, Varoleur of Sigur Ros and Bjork Black Lake.
Choreographic composition, clothing and general direction: Gustavo Soto.
THEATER “EL POPULAR” CHILE 2080, CONGRESO (Buenos Aires) Argentina
RESERVATIONS: +54 9 11 2051-8438
Sunday of May and June at 18:00 Hs
Performing arts festival
Involved is pleased to host again dancer, choreographer and stage director Mr Gustavo Soto. After his first successful step in Tallinn in summer 2013, he is visiting us again and this time with three new artistic proposals.
With the special collaboration of our partner OMA keskus, this venue will be the meeting point on Monday, December 22 at 18:30 in the evening, when such artistic proposals will be presented
Date: December 22nd, 2014
Time: 18:30 Hs (duration maximum one hour)
Venue: OMA keskus (Kaarli pst 5-1, 10119 Tallinn)
Price: FOR FREE!!!
Attendance: pre-registration via email to or through the following link: Registration online
Event has limited number of places, therefore please register on time.
Artistic programme and further information about Gustavo Soto’s visit in ESTONIA
PERFORMANCE samples that will be presented in Tallinn by Gustavo Soto:
A man, a dress, a skirt, music, movements that accompany moments and meanings …
“At some point in life identity is sought, through the feelings, desires and self-recognition …”
3) “Dual…”
“Language of a moving body, accompanied by original music of tango, passing a male – female role, through which flow sensuality, acceptance and choice of being” …
This work takes the form of a thesis presentation of the name of the subject area addressed Fuchsia: Gender and Sexuality. The work and the reasons for enrolling in a field that problematize some preconceptions about the relationship between biology and sexual selection.
The overall aim of this exhibition is the presentation of a work that interrogates some habitualities regarding the dimension of sexuality and gender in contemporary societies.The specific objectives of this presentation are:
– to identify some current conceptions of the distinctions of gender and sexuality
– to characterize some current discussions about masculinity and gender as performative. Deepen from the aesthetic look in some of the discussions arising from the conception of gender as performance
– based on the process of building the work Fuchsia
– removing some tentative about the links between gender and choice of performance and artwork conclusions
Ära jäta harukordset võimalust kasutamata – osale tasuta performance’il 22.12.2014 kell 18.30. Vajalik eelregistreerimine. Loe lähemalt meie veebilehelt
Täpsem info elektronposti aadressilt
International Youth exchange _Babel_
20th-27th of July 2014 Turku, Finland
“Babel” aims to raise awareness of cultural and personal background influencing our identity. The participants of the Youth Exchange were asked to take a deeper look into themselves in order to see how stereotypes and prejudices influence their personal values and the way they see their nationality and cultural background.
The Youth Exchange focuses on self-expression. The first half of each program day is dedicated to activities in which the participants are asked to express their thoughts with words. On the second half of the day they are offered a chance to learn self-expression through body-language. There were workshops on forum theater, improvisation, circus and contact dancing.
At the end of the week the participants were staging together a performance based on the things they have learned within the week.
“BI” by Gustavo Soto
PREMIERE: September 30th, 2014, Buenos Aires-Argentina.

At times I am he, other her, I’m female and male. Being, wishing, wanting and feeling, will be part of Bi.
About “BI”
Gustavo Soto was thinking and researching on his new motion” I wanted to do with the idea of sexual gender free”, began to investigate and found a current text on the internet that is titled: “The new sexual categories” by Barbara Riederman, news production: Diego Urbina. In which some new sexual categories with very specific names were founded, which closed with the work that had been building and came under the category of “bi-gender” someone who identifies as a woman and man at different times.
Here is the basic premise of “Bi”. He tried to carry through dance and from its construction, the idea of duality between feminine and masculine and this welfare that comes from being in those states, the powers of wanting to be a woman or man knowing that you are born with one sex but Soto’s idea is that one is born and build the body on the way that one lik, you are free to do with it what you want. The work investigates the idea of being two, movements go from male to female and vice versa…for a few moments the work plays and other moments it goes deepening…
Cast: Romina Alaniz, Sergio Bartlett.
Original Music / Sound Engineering: Alberto Lagos Quercia.
Photograph: Martin Raviolo.
Costume: Marisa Elorriaga.
Graphic Design: Alejandro Elizondo.
Choreographic Composition and General Director: Gustavo Soto.
Independent work of CONTEMPORARY DANCE: “CARNES” by Gustavo Soto
PREMIERE: MARCH 2nd, 2014, Buenos Aires-Argentina.
CARNES by Gustavo Soto
Four heterogeneous bodies are fused together by a combination of movements, music, objects and abstract meaning meat …
The idea was to work with four heterogeneous bodies used differently through movement to abstractly represent bodies as meat. The staging wants to represent abstract and poetic way the scope of a slaughterhouse, and ribs of cattle where anything can happen, opening a range of possibilities of perception through music and the movements of the performers dancers on stage. In this context referring to the submission of the demands of the environment, which sometimes uses people, not as such, but as pieces of flesh baring bodies and exposing all the flaws, virtues and emotions e, back to the point of being used as a piece of living flesh.
Cast: Belinda Actis, Nuria Vadells, Romina Alaniz, Damian Saban, Jorge Alberto.
Original Music and Sound Engineering: Alberto Lagos Quercia.
Graphic Design: Alejandro Elizondo.
Camcoder VideoArte Dance: Roddy Castro.
Photo: Martin Raviolo.
Set Design: Veronica Vojcicki.
Lighting Design: Gustavo Soto.
Costume: Marisa Elorriaga.
Production Assistant: Alejandra Centanaro.
Press: Simkin & Franco.
Choreographic composition and general management: Gustavo Soto.
Duration: 40 minutes.
Argentina performance ‘Sensations of Tallinn. Improvisations in Real Time.’
Lavastaja: Gustavo Soto
Koreograafiline kompositsioon: Gustavo Soto
Tehniline assistant: Angel Casal (INVOLVED mtü)
Muusika: Tina Guo
Teisipäeval, 23. juulil on võimalik kõigil moodsast tantsust ja koreograafiast huvitatutel näha esitlust nimega ‘Sensatsions of Tallinn. Improvisations in Real Time.’, mida esitleb argentinlane Gustavo Soto, kes hetkel Euroopas ringi reisimas on ning oma viimase kuu peamiselt Eestis veetnud. Performance tuleb esitlusele Bastioni Aias (Viru tn 23, Tallinn) kl 22 ning selle kestvus on orienteeruvalt 10 minutit.
Tule kohale ning näe kõike oma silmaga!
Gustavo Soto on pärit Buenos Airesest, Argentinast, Ladina-Ameerikast:
Argentinean Choreographer, dancer, teacher and theater director.
Graduated from National College of Art (IUNA), Movement Arts in the undergraduate degree in Bachelor in choreographic composition, majoring in Dance and undergraduate career at Dance Interpreter in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He took theater classes at San Martin Cultural Center, and was awarded a scholarship in the School of Musical Comedy by Julio Bocca Foundation School.
Gustavo’s professional development is day by day connected to high trajectory distinguished teachers; courses, seminars, choreographic compositions, classical, modern, jazz and contemporary dance classes.
As a producer, director and composer, his choreographic works were presented in various dances like “LIPSTICK” (2010), “GRAFFITI” (2011), “DUAL” (2011), “A Body” (2012).
Gustavo has organized cycles dances, and has also choreographed and given management advice for various dancers and actors. He is invited to present his work in various dance festivals nationally and internationally as well.
Part of COCOA datei (Contemporary Choreographers Associate) Independent Dance Theatre.
Currently on the creative process in his brand new dance piece.
Web: /
Koreograafia workshop ALBIINOD toob eestlastele tükikese Ladina-Ameerikat koju kätte
15.-19. juulil on kõigil tantsust ja koreograafiast huvitatutel võimalik seada sammud Casa de Baile tanstukeskusesse Tallinnas, kus kohtuvad kõik noored ja ka vanemad, et üheskoos viie päeva vältel praktiseerida ja õppida uusi nippe erinevate tantsustiilide – klassikaline, contemporary, modernne ja jazz – kohta.
Õpetajaks on latiinost Gustavo Soto, kes selleks kõigeks suisa Argentina pealinnast Buenos Airesest kohale lennanud on. Gustavo omab pikaajalist kogemust koreograafina ning tantsijana, kuid samuti õpetaja ning näitejuhina.
Tunnid toimuvad esmaspäevast reedeni kell 10:00 – 14:00. Kõigil workshopil osalejatel on võimalik ka omandatut teistele esitleda teisipäeva, 23. juuli õhtul Bastioni aias. Samas saab näha ka Gustavot ennast esinemas.
Täpsem informatsioon workshopi ning osalustasu kohta on leitav siitsamast altpoolt, inglise keeles.
ALBIINOD toob Eestisse mittetulundusühing INVOLVED. Sündmust toetab Buenos Airese ülikool IUNA ning COCOA datei.
“Albinos …” Choreographic Assembly.
By: Gustavo Soto
15th – 19th July 2013 / Tallinn / Estonia
For beginners, intermediate, advanced and professional level dancers interested in
classical, contemporary, modern and jazz dance styles.
The purpose of this workshop is to generate a piece of choreography through music composition chosen for the development of this work named “Albinos…”.
Improvisations, corporality and movement will be the themes in this 5-day workshop proposal through the spread of various strands of dance such as classical, contemporary, modern and jazz dance.
The elements to be used are: the view, body awareness, movement analysis; its function, power, management, and other habitualities that may arise…
Have a look at the DETAILED PROGRAMME.
Workshop’s main language will be English. Trainer Gustavo Soto’s main language is Spanish, but there is a translator from Spanish into English.
5 + 1 day / Monday till Friday / 15th – 19th July 2013 / 5 days / 10:00 – 14:00 daily / 20 hours of study in total
+ 1 day: final performance on Tuesday 23rd July at Bastioni Aed – Viru street 23 / from 21 hrs in order to present the piece of choreography (about 15 minutes) to the others as well.
CASA DE BAILE TANTSUKESKUS / Pärnu mnt 19 / Tallinn
80,00 EUR (includes 5 days of dance workshop experience, but also the final performance and certification).
Discounted price of 10% (8,00 EUR) available for people in the emailing list of INVOLVED or for European Youth Card holders – 72,00 EUR.
IMPORTANT: the fee does not cover accommodation neither international or local travel. This is your own responsibility.
Registration and registration deadline:
Please send completed APPLICATION FORM to ASAP, at the latest on Friday, 12th July 2013. There is a limited number of places available!!!
More information: / 555 96 458
Gustavo Soto from Buenos Aires / Argentina / Latin – America
Argentinean Choreographer, dancer, teacher and theater director.
Graduated from National College of Art (IUNA), Movement Arts in the undergraduate degree in Bachelor in choreographic composition, majoring in Dance and undergraduate career at Dance Interpreter in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He took theater classes at San Martin Cultural Center, and was awarded a scholarship in the School of Musical Comedy by Julio Bocca Foundation School.
Gustavo’s professional development is day by day connected to high trajectory distinguished teachers; courses, seminars, choreographic compositions, classical, modern, jazz and contemporary dance classes.
As a producer, director and composer, his choreographic works were presented in various dances like “LIPSTICK” (2010), “GRAFFITI” (2011), “DUAL” (2011), “A Body” (2012).
Gustavo has organized cycles dances, and has also choreographed and given management advice for various dancers and actors. He is invited to present his work in various dance festivals nationally and internationally as well.
Part of COCOA datei (Contemporary Choreographers Associate) Independent Dance Theatre.
Currently on the creative process in his brand new dance piece.
Web: /
More info: 555 96 458 / INVOLVED ngo
Springtime scene in Vienna, capital of Austria!
Enter the stage
How to include theatre pedagogy in the YiA program to support European Identity and Inclusion.
International theater project took place in Vienna, Austria from 14th – 20th May 2013, exciting international Theatre training- entitled ‘ENTER THE STAGE’.
Theme of the project: How to use theatre methods as a tool for personal development within EVS projects and youth exchanges as well as how to break down barriers and integrate marginalized target groups.
International theater project took place in Minsk, Belarus from 19th – 26th May 2013, exciting international Theatre training- entitled ‘Gaming Factory’, which was attended by 20 young people from European countries, including the two young people from Estonia.
Gaming factory: learning by playing
Gaming factory: learning by playing will be a 6 day training course for youth workers and youth leaders which support them in developing their skills in the playing of games with young people. The training will cover such topics as the theory and practice of game playing, workshop planning, adapting games to suit different target groups, and the use of traditional and folk games as a tool for non-formal learning. The training will use as its starting point games that are used in drama and theatre settings, but will give participants the opportunity to bring their own games and adapt them to a non-formal learning environment;and the opportunity to develop their practical skills in leading games workshops.
The play: Pacarín and Sutti are living on the streets in the light of an old lantern. During the day through the city looking for survival among the leftovers, but when night falls quickly return to shelter under its light.
In one of those many nights takes the work, nights when, as The Sutti, avoid the darkness to survive because it is inhabited by men of darkness, beings that surround them, torture them, and seeking chance to kill him for daring to see them.
Pacarín already learned to live with the Sutti and hallucinations. He’s hungry and that’s what he cares about, but can not leave her partner because they are like a family … a family born in the poverty of the streets. That is why we never moved from this beam guard, is the only place where they are safe, until a sudden flicker of the lantern makes the darkness invades every space, breaking down the barriers that separate men Sutti of darkness, but also breaking down the barriers that separate the characters from the spectators. Then the boundaries disappear and everything blends so confusing: madness and sanity, fiction and reality, tranquility and fear … feel surrounded and threatened by the dark is not something you like anyone of us whom do not we ever panicked that darkness hides?, the difference is in him and confront him or close your eyes and wait to leave.
Every Saturday of April at 21 am, there will be a series of theater performances by the independent theater group – The dreamers of the Plank, City of San Fernando
The theater group has been working with this play from last 8 years since its premiere in the city of Buenos Aires in April 2005.This is the second season in this, under theatre stage, it has a unique reputation in theater circle off in Buenos Aires city.
This time with the support Involved international ngo, with headquarters in the city of Tallinn, Estonia where it promotes and support art in all its expressions.
Angel Casal ………………………… Pacarin
Pablo Sosa ………………………… Sutti
Playwriting: Pablo Sosa
Assistents : Alejandra Mazzeo / John Corazza
Direction : Angel Casal / Pablo Sosa
Where: Juan Domingo Perón 1422
Capital Federal – Buenos Aires – Argentina
Phone: 54-11-43723200