2 October, 2012



Detailed description of mobility projects in English below. Please contact us mobility@involved.ee for further information.

Opportunities we offer are for Estonians or residents of Estonia. Ukraine refugees in Estonia are also welcome to participate!

We offer you opportunities to travel, learn in non-formal environment and get new experiences, acquaintances and friends. Most of the projects are co-funded by European Union. 

Our list of OPPORTUNITIES at the moment are as follows. Please find detailed description below:
  1. Training Course “”The Learning Game”

    Iscar, Sopain 18 – 24 September 2024

    Application deadline: 10 August 2024 On-going open call!

  2. Youth Exchange “SMART RECYCLING

    Iscar, Sopain 02 – 10 August 2024

    Application deadline: Closed!

  3. European Solidarity Corps (ESC) projects in Santiago de Compostela and Teo! On-going open call!
  4. Traineeships and work camp leading in Iceland 2024 On-going open call!

Please do not hesitate to contact us mobility@involved.ee in case of any questions. We are happy to help you!

Power of Play in Youth Work!

  1. Training Course “The Learning Game”

    Iscar, Sopain 18 – 24 September 2024

    Application deadline: 10 August 2024 On-going open call!

Where: Iscar, Spain  

When: 18 – 24 September 2024


  • 3 participants with no age limit. Participants need to be aged over 18 years old.

Participating countries:  Macedonia, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey, Romania, Italy and Estonia

The language of the project will be English

Project summary:

The Learning Game is a training course designed for youth workers and organizations ready to supercharge their learning methods!

During the training course

What will you gain?

  • Master the art of “learning by playing”: Explore different games, their structures, and how they can empower young people.
  • Develop engaging youth exchange projects: Gain the skills to create impactful Erasmus+ projects using Key Action 1 funding.
  • Become a YouthPass pro: Learn to utilize YouthPass for self-assessment and recognize non-formal learning achievements.
  • Build international connections: Network with fellow youth workers and explore potential partnerships.

Who should join?

  • Young volunteers and professionals working with youth
  • Youth workers & organizations interested in international exchanges
  • Those with experience or beginners – all are welcome!

Non-Formal Learning in Our Training Course

  • Focus on You: A Personalized Learning Experience

Our training course takes a non-formal approach, meaning your experience, needs, and motivation are central to the learning process. Methods to ensure a balance between theory and practical application. Get ready for interactive sessions that include:

  • Presentations: Gaining valuable insights from experts.
  • Group Work: Collaborating and learning from your peers.
  • Workshops: Deep dives into specific topics.
  • Games and Role Plays: Putting theory into action in a fun and engaging way.
  • Exercises: Putting your newfound knowledge to the test.

This dynamic approach fosters a stimulating environment where you can actively participate, retain information, and develop valuable skills.

Our partner and organisers:

Asociacion DESES 3 is a dedicated organization working alongside us to provide disadvantaged youth with the tools they need to thrive. They offer comprehensive training programs, prioritizing those facing unemployment or cultural, social, and economic barriers.


Iscar, Spain awaits! Nestled in the heart of Castile and León, this charming town boasts a rich history and warm hospitality.

  • Your Cozy Retreat: We’ll be staying at a comfortable hostel with everything you need for a productive project: spacious meeting rooms, dining areas, and Wi-Fi to stay connected. Relax and unwind in the fresh air courtyards too!
  • Explore a Medieval Gem: Discover Iscar’s iconic castle, dating back to 939! Immerse yourself in history with guided tours and even witness medieval re-enactments.

Logistics Covered: Your accommodation, local transportation, and other activity costs are covered by the hosting organization during your stay (18-24 September 2024).

Iscar promises a unique blend of comfort, culture, and adventure – the perfect backdrop for a successful and enriching project!


Arrival: Madrid Airport, 18TH of September (before 14:00, please confirm your flight details).

Departure: Madrid Airport, 24th of September (after 15:00 please confirm your flight details).

You should take a flight to Madrid airport because it is the main airport near our region and you will find planes from your country easily. About transportation from the airport we will inform you after collecting all participants’ flight information, because we normally pick up the participants at the airport and bring them directly to the project site, all together, by a private bus.

These are the cost official the new program detailing the maximum cost per participant, but the obligation of the participants according to the criteria of the program is to find the cheapest flight at the right time.

EXTRA DAY IN SPAIN: Of course, if you want you can stay 1-2 days before/after the project in order to visit us, our Capital city, but you have to pay by yourself for those extra days FOR ACCOMMODATION AND MEALS. 

Are you interested in taking part?

Participation fee of 99,00 € (which includes full preparation by Estonian sending organisation, coordination, follow up, evaluation and dissemination of all project results)

How to apply?

Please fill in APPLICATION FORM as soon as possible.

Application deadline: 18 August 2024 

European Solidarity Corps (ESC) projects in Santiago de Compostela and Teo!

Make a Difference in Spain: Estonian Volunteers Needed for 11-Month ESC Projects!

Are you looking for an incredible volunteering opportunity in Spain? We’re seeking passionate individuals to join our exciting European Solidarity Corps (ESC) projects in Santiago de Compostela and Teo!

Project Options:

All projects begin on October 1st, 2024 and last for 11 months.

  • Project 1: Tempo Libre Educativo (ETL Don Bosco): This project focuses on educational leisure activities for young people. (Location: Rúa Belvís 2, 15703, Santiago de Compostela)

  • Project 2: Tempo para ti, lugar para todos (Asociación Recreativa Cultural Os Tilos): Contribute to a recreational and cultural center fostering social inclusion. (Location: R/ Ameneiro, número 8 (baixos parroquiais), 15894 Os Tilos – Teo (A Coruña))

  • Project 3: Escola de ensino en galego (Escola Semente Compostela): Support a school offering education in the Galician language. (Location: Moas Abaixo, 20, 15898 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña)

  • Project 4: De todo para todos (Red de Centros Socioculturales del Ayuntamiento de Santiago): Work in one of six community centers managed by the City Council of Santiago, engaging in various social and cultural activities. Specific location will be assigned upon selection.

Who We’re Looking For:

Enthusiastic and motivated Estonian volunteers who are eager to:

  • Contribute to their local community in Spain
  • Develop new skills and gain valuable experience
  • Immerse themselves in Spanish culture
  • Be part of a diverse and international team

Why Choose This Opportunity?

  • Gain valuable experience in intercultural communication and social work.
  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant Spanish culture and learn the Galician language (optional).
  • Contribute to a meaningful cause and make a positive impact on the community.
  • Develop new skills and build a strong network of international contacts.

Ready to Apply?

For detailed information on each project, visit the link : European Solidarity Corps Volunteering Projects

Applications are open until August 18th, 2024! Don’t miss this chance! Fill out the application form here: ESC Application Form

We look forward to receiving your application!

For more information and details on the application process, please contact Angel, project coordinator at volunteer@involved.ee

Angel Casal 

Project coordinator 

+372 555 96 458

Don’t miss this chance to make a lasting impact and have an unforgettable adventure in Spain!

Youth Exchange “SMART RECYCLINGIscar, Sopain  02 – 10 August 2024

Application deadline: Group is Completed!

Application deadline: ASAP

Where: Iscar, Spain  

When: 02 – 10 August 2024

Participants: 4 participants per country. From Italy, Greece, Estonia, Romania and Slovenia.

3 participants aged 18-30. + 1 leaders no age limit. Participants need to be aged over 18 years old.

Participating countries: Spain, Italy, Greece, Estonia, Romania and Slovenia.

The language of the project will be English

Project summary:

Our Planet Needs a Change: Embracing the Circular Economy

Our growing population is demanding more resources, but raw materials are limited. This puts pressure on the environment and creates reliance on other countries.

There’s a better way! Join us to learn about the Circular Economy, a smarter system that reduces waste, saves money, and fights climate change.

  • Reduce CO2 emissions: Production of everyday materials creates nearly half of all CO2 emissions!

  • Protect the environment: The Circular Economy uses less resources and creates less waste.

  • Boost the economy: This approach can create jobs and economic growth.

Take action with us and be part of the solution!

During the youth exchange, you’ll:

Get ready to embark on a global adventure!

  • Showcase your country’s pride! Present your country and your organization, sharing its unique story.
  • Become a cultural ambassador! Offer insights on your country’s stance on the main topic of the project.
  • Unleash your inner foodie! Share traditional dishes and drinks for a night filled with cultural flavors. (Think delicious treats and good times!)
  • Unite under one banner! Don’t forget to bring your country’s flag – let’s celebrate global unity!

This exchange promises an unforgettable journey of discovery. Ready to connect and particupate? apply today!


Iscar, Spain awaits! Nestled in the heart of Castile and León, this charming town boasts a rich history and warm hospitality.

  • Your Cozy Retreat: We’ll be staying at a comfortable hostel with everything you need for a productive project: spacious meeting rooms, dining areas, and Wi-Fi to stay connected. Relax and unwind in the fresh air courtyards too!
  • Explore a Medieval Gem: Discover Iscar’s iconic castle, dating back to 939! Immerse yourself in history with guided tours and even witness medieval re-enactments.

Logistics Covered: Your accommodation, local transportation, and other activity costs are covered by the hosting organization during your stay (August 2nd-10th, 2024).

Iscar promises a unique blend of comfort, culture, and adventure – the perfect backdrop for a successful and enriching project!


Arrival: Madrid Airport, 2nd of August (before 14:00, please confirm your flight details).

Departure: Madrid Airport, 10th of August (after 15:00 please confirm your flight details).

You should take a flight to Madrid airport because it is the main airport near our region and you will find planes from your country easily. About transportation from the airport we will inform you after collecting all participants’ flight information, because we normally pick up the participants at the airport and bring them directly to the project site, all together, by a private bus.

These are the cost official the new program detailing the maximum cost per participant, but the obligation of the participants according to the criteria of the program is to find the cheapest flight at the right time.

EXTRA DAY IN SPAIN: Of course, if you want you can stay 1-2 days before/after the project in order to visit us, our Capital city, but you have to pay by yourself for those extra days FOR ACCOMMODATION AND MEALS. Of course, if you want you can stay 1-2 days before/after the project in order to visit us, our Capital city, but you have to pay by yourself for those extra days FOR ACCOMMODATION AND MEALS.

Your Erasmus+ Adventure Awaits: Fully Funded and Ready to Roll!

Ready to dive into Smart Recycling with fellow young minds? This Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project is fully funded, covering your accommodation, food, and activity costs during the project.

Focus on the Experience: With everything covered, you can unleash your creativity and passion for Smart Recycling without worrying about financial burdens.

Peace of Mind with Travel Insurance: While not covered by the project, getting travel insurance is highly recommended for added protection.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn, connect, and make a difference! Apply today!

Are you interested in taking part?

Participation fee of 99,00 € (which includes full preparation by Estonian sending organisation, coordination, follow up, evaluation and dissemination of all project results)

How to apply?

Please fill in APPLICATION FORM as soon as possible.

Application deadline:Group is Completed!

Include application for Youth Exchange, Spain

Project manager in Estonia

Angel Casal

+372 555 96 458

More information on e-mail mobility@involved.ee

Tööpraktika ja laagrite juhtimine Islandil – Traineeship and Work camps in Iceland

Kandideerimine: jooksvalt

Tutvu sisukate infofailidega:

Praktikavõimalus 1:  Placement Officer (praktika algus 2023)

Praktikavõimalus 2: Logistics-House Caretaker Program

Laagrite juhtimine: Workcamp Leaders (projektide algus võib olla ka kokkuleppeline)

Maksumus: osavõtutasu on 495,00 EUR, mis sisaldab tasuta majutust, toitlustust, kohalikku transporti. Praktikandid saavad kohapeal ka igakuist taskuraha 100 EUR kuus. Osalejal tuleb maksta rahvusvahelise transpordi eest Islandile ja tagasi.

Huvi korral saada infofailis nimetatu elektronpostile mobility@involved.ee. Kirja pealkirjaks: Kandideerimine Islandile + projekti nimi

Rohkem infot mobility@involved.ee

Hetkel on kõikidesse teistesse projektidesse osalejad leitud. Kui soovid edaspidi kõige kiiremini pakkumistest teada saada, kirjuta mobility@involved.ee 


Soovitame tutvuda kindlasti ka Välisministeeriumi veebilehega ning COVID-19 alase teabega.




Video Iirimaal toimunud rahvusvahelisest projektist

Hetkel on kõikidesse teistesse projektidesse osalejad leitud. Kui soovid edaspidi kõige kiiremini pakkumistest teada saada, kirjuta mobility@involved.ee 


Soovitame tutvuda kindlasti ka Välisministeeriumi veebilehega ning COVID-19 alase teabega.




Video Iirimaal toimunud rahvusvahelisest projektist

Meie pakkumisi hakkad saama meilinglistiga liitudes. Selleks saada e-kiri aadressile info@involved.ee (kirja pealkiri: Liitumine meilnglistiga), lisades juurde ka oma täisnime ning vanuse.

Huvi korral projekti soovitame soovi avaldada esimesel võimalusel, mitte viivitada viiimase hetkeni! Siis võib juba liiga hilja olla. Kui sa pakkumist enam siin leheküljel ei näe, on kandideerimine lõppenud ning käimas aktiivselt ettevalmistustööd välismaale sõitjatega.

Vaata ühte vinget Itaalias toimunud projekti VIDEOT – siis saad aimdust, millest ka sul on võimalik osa saada. Kui veel mõne minuti aega leiad, soovitame vaadata ka teist VIDEOT, mis samuti projektist Itaaliast, kuid Torinost.


“Erasmus+ treeningkursus on lihtne ning mugav viis igapäevarutiinist välja saada ning midagi lahedat oma ajaga ette võtta. Reisida, õppida midagi uut ning leida uusi tutvusi erinevatest riikidest.”

Allan, kes käis koolitusel Hispaanias

“Erasmus+’iga saad argipäeva mugavustsoonist välja astuda ning õppida midagi uut nii enda kui teiste kultuuride kohta.”

Triin, kes käis koolitusel Hispaanias

“Loo endale huvitavad võimalused!”

Siim, kes käis noortekohtumisel Itaalias

“Reisimine, uute kohtade avastamine ja inimestega kohtumine annab kogemusi, mida ei saa kuskilt mujalt :)”

Alice, kes käis seminaril Kreekas

“Elumuutvad koolitused!”

Paavo, kes käis seminaril Itaalias

“Kui elad oma õue all, ei tea, mis sünnib kaugemal. Oh sa pime-pime-pime, maailm on imeline!”

Mathias, kes käis rahvusvahelises noortevahetuses Hispaanias

Meie projekte toetavad rahaliselt Euroopa Komisjoni programmid Erasmus+, Kodanike Euroopa ja Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpus.