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Kick-off of the project line „Non-formal Education and Diversity in European Youth Work“
4th – 8th July 2015, Novi Sad- Serbia
„All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights“ says the first article of the universal declaration of Human Rights. The article is suggesting that each person is different and in the same time valuable and unique, much more that each individual deserves respect, appreciation and recognition despite of its origin, gender, skin color, sexual orientation, religion and conviction.
Brave new world? The reality looks different. Homophobia and racism – just mentioning two forms of discrimination – are deeply rooted in all societies. Not knowing and denial of diverse concepts of life and styles are not only hampering the living together but much more endangering the social peace massively and sustainably. Complex and heterogeneous milieus as well as collective and individual concepts of identity produces ambiguities and requires from society as such and from pedagogues especially a high level of competences. The diversity approach is reacting on that.
The project line, initiated by the European Youth Education and Meeting Center (Weimar, Germany) with an overall duration of one and a half years is dedicated to the discussion of the theme „Non-Formal Education and Diversity in European Youth Work“ with project partners from 19 different European countries.
What means diversity? Which role plays it within the context of non-formal education? What about our own attitudes and values – as experts and multipliers in non-formal education? Where are the strengths and weaknesses within our daily work with the target groups? In the center of attention is the exchange about personal experiences, the reflection on the challenges when dealing with the „diversity approach“ and its implementation.
The project kick-off took place between 4th – 8th of July in Novi Sad, supported by EDIT Centar Novi Sad. A key moment is the mutual planning of the training for experts and multipliers from all partner organizations which will take in November 2015 at the European Youth Education and Meeting Center EJBW in Weimar, Germany. In spring 2016 additionally to regional expert panels in Macedonia and Bosnia as well as a final evaluation meeting in Poland are planned.
The project results from a cooperation of the project group within the AdB (Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten) and is supported by the EU program „Erasmus+ Youth in Action“.
On 4th – 8th July, 27 participants from all over Europe and from (INVOLVED Estonia) were invited to NOVI SAD Serbia to kick start to create a training course on the Diversity approach under the umbrella ( Non-formal Education and diversity in European youth work) A year and a half project tackling diversity in different forms in European youth work.
The program started with different ways of getting to know the participants and the organisations they represented. We participants had to get to the bottom line of diversity. As the program continued we tackled the topic ’the diversity approach ’ which gave different concepts and led to a great discussions among participants/partners permitting a progress and lay the foundation for the next step in diversity and its approach.
One of the programme activity has being set as a city tour option led by locals enabling us to discover diverse places and aspects of the project’s spot followed by discussion on the most important agenda of developing, creating and planning the training course, The Diversity Approach .
In this regard the aim of the project is imparting knowledge on claims and causes of diversity and non-formal education within European Youth Work. The main subject for all planned elements is therefore the concept of diversity.
The final evaluation leads us to a great project continuation in Weimar Germany from 28th October to 4th November 2015.